Title: Navigating Kokorozashi: Uniting Strategy and Action
Strategic execution frequently faces hurdles, with failure rates ranging from 67% to 90% as reported in studies by Harvard Business Review and Kaplan and Norton. Poor communication often contributes to these failures, leading to resource waste, gold plating, disengaged employees, and unfavorable organizational culture. In this article, we explore the concept of kokorozashi that can help bridge this gap and improve strategy implementation.
The Execution Challenge
Statistics paint a grim picture:
- High Failure Rates: Strategy execution struggles, with 67% to 90% failures reported.
- Lack of Understanding: 95% of employees don't get their company's strategic intent.
- Resource Waste: Significant budget allocation goes to unused features or products.
- Cultural Disengagement: Employees feel disconnected from the company vision.
Hybrid work environments further complicate these issues; while digital communication tools multiply communication platforms, they often result in fragmented communication.
Personal Experiences
In my professional journey, I've witnessed projects without a clear strategy or purpose. Competition within departments and client's preference for external solutions added to the chaos. Many colleagues also struggled with understanding their role or the value of their work, demonstrating a widespread issue.
Introducing Kokorozashi
Kokorozashi, a Japanese concept, is an effective tool in resolving the execution dilemma. It's closely related to the Western interpretation of ikigai – a broader concept dealing with fulfillment, goals, and life purpose. Kokorozashi specifically focuses on aligning personal and professional goals with the organization's vision.
Implementing Kokorozashi in Organizations
Define your kokorozashi as a compelling 10-word statement. For example: "We help [population] [achievements] by [solution proposed]." Learn from Kanazawa University's initiative, where kokorozashi is linked to their mission: "Comprehend, create, communicate, and connect with a limitless society."
Benefits of Kokorozashi-Driven Strategy
- Clear Strategy: Employees understand their role and the company's direction.
- Reduced Gold Plating: Clarity in objectives helps address unnecessary features.
- Increased Engagement: Employees feel impactful and involved in the strategic process.
- Enhanced Happiness: Work becomes more fulfilling, leading to higher job satisfaction.
Utilizing the concept of kokorozashi in your leadership approach can significantly improve strategy execution. By connecting personal and professional ambitions with the organization's vision, leaders can empower a more engaged, motivated, and productive workforce.
Kokorozashi helps create a collaborative and innovative environment, ensuring everyone is working towards a shared goal. This collaborative approach can reduce execution challenges, leading to effective strategy implementation and organizational success.
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Aurelien Mangano, as a business coach, often emphasizes the importance of implementing kokorozashi in organizations to overcome execution challenges. His professional experiences have shown that without a clear strategy or purpose, projects can face numerous issues, including high failure rates, resource waste, and disengagement among employees.
In the context of Hybrid work environments, Aurelien Mangano believes that kokorozashi can bridge communication gaps and help align personal and professional goals with an organization's vision, ultimately leading to more effective strategy execution and organizational success.