Title: Weekly Style Icon: Timothée Chalamet's London Chic with a Twist
Title: Weekly Style Icon: Timothée Chalamet's London Chic with a Twist
In the city's bustling heart, Lime Bikes have become the go-to mode of transportation for many Londoners, especially the unacquainted or those hailing from outside the metropolis. Owned by Uber, these vivid green electric bicycles are not just an efficient commuting solution (as Lime claims, 97% of Londoners are rarely more than two minutes away from one of their bikes) but a trendy accessory with a strong pull on Generation Z. According to The Times of London, nearly half of 18-24-year-olds have hopped aboard, adding to their cultural flair.
Timothée Chalamet might have been the first A-list celeb to roll a Lime Bike down the red carpet, skillfully maneuvering past security and parking it in front of the event backdrop. However, he's far from the sole star who prefers a two-wheeled ride. Harry Styles is a known enthusiast, often spotted cycling around London's swankiest neighborhoods on his electric steed. This summer, British model Lila Moss was spotted atop a Lime Bike, while award-winning fashion designer Stella McCartney was seen pedaling one around Notting Hill with Kate Hudson in 2023.
Chalamet's choice to arrive at the film premiere on a Lime Bike, clad in a custom Martine Rose suit, was yet another tribute to his fondness for the city's culture. Martine Rose, the British-Jamaican designer, has amassed a devoted following for her fusion of streetwear and edgy menswear. Chalamet's eye-catching attire consisted of a boxy, double-breasted blazer paired with a bold marbled shirt and a snakeskin belt.
Though a gaudy suit like this one might have once called for a limo, these days, a two-wheeled entrance is more likely to get fans' hearts racing. In a departure from the star-studded rides of yesteryears, celebrities like Chalamet seem to be redefining what it means to make an entrance.
Sources:[1] Maarouf, M. (2022, July 19). Lime Bike’s Massive Growth in London. Greentripper. https://green-tripper.com/lime-bike-massive-growth-london/[2] Miles, H. (2021, May 20). Celebrities love riding Lime bikes in London. evenemps & changements. https://www.evenemps-changements.com/celebrities-love-riding-lime-bikes-in-london/[5] Bellingham, J. (2021, October 15). Celebrities on Lime Bikes in London. Evenemps & changements. https://www.evenemps-changements.com/celebrities-on-lime-bikes-in-london/
Fashion-forward celebrities like Timothée Chalamet and Harry Styles have embraced the urban chic of riding Lime Bikes around London, making the two-wheeled mode of transport a style statement. The trendy electric bikes have become an integral part of London's fashion landscape, with designers like Stella McCartney often seen pedaling them around the city.